Kategorie Regeln

Important dates

  • All participants (contestants as well as models), must be at least 18 years old at the time of registration
  • All competitors must be certified in their categories. Everyone is responsible for this themselves.
  • All important dates and times such as deadline for uploading your photos can be found here!

Photos of your work

  • Good quality is a requirement for the chance of a good rating. Only what the jury can also clearly see, they can also judge.
  • Photos must be uploaded in JPG format and should be at least 2000 x 2000 pixels.
  • A few days after registration, each participant will receive a username and password to log in to our system and upload photos. Pictures sent by email will not be considered for evaluation. Photos sent in too late will also not be judged.
  • All models in the photos must be at least 18 years old and must be informed in writing about the rights to the image, if applicable. The rights to the image are automatically transferred to the World Beauty Cup team at the moment of uploading in order to make the photos available to the jury and, after the announcement of the winners, to make them available to other participants and interested parties.
  • No watermarks on the photos.
  • No editing of the photos at all. No skin retouching either. Only 100% unedited photographs are considered for evaluation.
World Beauty Cup Regeln
World Beauty Cup Regeln

Level Classification

  • The Lashart & Browlifting categories have NO levels. All competitors are in the same level.
  • Junior: You have never won 1st to 3rd place in the respective category or upper category.
  • Expert: You have won 1st to 3rd place in a category or upper category competition before.
  • Category eyelash extension includes: Classic, 2D-3D, 4D-5D, Kim Kardashian style, Colored eyelashes, Lashes for men.
  • Category lash lifting stands on its own.
  • Permanent Makeup category includes all PMU categories
  • Category nails includes all nail design categories.
  • Please make sure that you are in the correct level, as you cannot change it once a payment has been made. We reserve the right to disqualify competitors if they knowingly place themselves in the wrong category. In this case, any trophies and prizes must also be returned.
  • Example: You have won 2nd place in a competition in the past in the category “Eyelash Extension Classic” and would now like to participate in the competition in the category “Eyelash Lifting”. Thus you would be a junior in the category “Eyelash Lifting” if you have never won anything for your eyelash lifting. If you also want to participate in eyelash extension “2D-3D”, you would be in here Expert, because you have already won something in the category eyelash extension in the past.

PMU 3D Ombre Eyeliner on the Latex

Specific rules and guidelines for the category PMU 3D Ombre Eyeliner on Latex


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5 photos of PMU 3D Ombre Eyeliner on Latex work in good quality (at least 2000x2000px)

  • Before application, empty latex with competitor’s initials on bottom left or bottom right of empty latex
  • After application, entire latex from above on dark or light background
  • After application, right eyeliner closeup
  • After application, left eyeliner closeup
  • After application, both eyes together closeup

PMU 3D Ombre Eyeliner on Latex:

  • Overall impression of the work – 10 points
  • Softness of shading – 10 points
  • smooth color transition – 10 points
  • Tint / color choice – 5 points
  • Clarity and elegance of lines – 10 points
  • even filling of the interlash spaces – 10 points
  • correct execution of the arrow shape in accordance with the eye (respect for proportions, symmetry) – 10 points.
  • Cleanliness of work – 5 points

Total: 70 points

PMU 3D Ombre Lips on the Latex

Specific rules and guidelines for the category PMU 3D Ombre lips on latex


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3 photos of PMU 3D Ombre lips on latex work in good quality (at least 2000x2000px)

  • Before application, empty latex with competitor’s initials on bottom left or bottom right of empty latex
  • After application, entire latex from above on dark or light background
  • After application, lips closeup

PMU 3D Ombre lips on latex:

  • Overall impression of the work – 10 points
  • straight contour edge – 10 points
  • Uniformity of paint application – 10 points
  • smooth color transitions – 10 points
  • Structure of the form – 10 points
  • color matching – 10 points
  • Cleanliness of work – 5 points

Total: 65 points

PMU Eyebrows 3D Ombre Shading on the Latex with device

Specific rules and guidelines for the category PMU eyebrows 3D ombre shading on latex with machine


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5 photos of PMU eyebrows 3D ombre shading on latex with machine work in good quality (at least 2000x2000px)

  • Before application, empty latex with competitor’s initials on bottom left or bottom right of empty latex
  • After application, entire latex from above on dark or light background
  • After application, both eyebrows together with eye closeup
  • After application, right eyebrow closeup
  • After application, left eyebrow closeup

PMU eyebrows 3D ombre shading on latex with machine:

  • Overall impression of the work – 10 points
  • Structure of the eyebrows (compliance with the proportions, symmetry) – 10 points.
  • Modeling of the eyebrow – 10 points
  • Shading (smooth transitions) – 10 points
  • Highest point – 10 points
  • Precision – 10 points
  • Pigment depth ( pressure stability) – 10 points
  • Cleanliness of work – 5 points

Total: 75 points

PMU eyebrows hair strand on the latex with device

Specific rules and guidelines for the category PMU eyebrows Hairstroke on latex with machine


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5 photos of PMU eyebrows hairstroke on latex with machine work in good quality (at least 2000x2000px)

  • Before application, empty latex with competitor’s initials on bottom left or bottom right of empty latex
  • After application, entire latex from above on dark or light background
  • After application, both eyebrows together with eye closeup
  • After application, right eyebrow closeup
  • After application, left eyebrow closeup

PMU eyebrows Hairstroke on latex with machine:

  • Overall impression of the work – 10 points
  • Design of the eyebrow (compliance with the proportions, symmetry) – 10 points.
  • Modeling of the eyebrow – 10 points
  • Thickness of the hair strokes – 10 points
  • Accuracy of hair strokes – 10 points
  • Highest point – 10 points
  • Depth of pigmentation ( pressure stability) – 10 points
  • Cleanliness of work – 5 points

Total: 75 points

PMU Eyebrows Microblading on the Latex

Specific rules and guidelines for the category PMU eyebrows microblading on latex


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5 photos of PMU eyebrows microblading on latex work in good quality (at least 2000x2000px)

  • Before application, empty latex with competitor’s initials on bottom left or bottom right of empty latex
  • After application, entire latex from above on dark or light background
  • After application, both eyebrows together with eye closeup
  • After application, right eyebrow closeup
  • After application, left eyebrow closeup

PMU eyebrows microblading on latex :

  • Overall impression of the work – 10 points
  • Design of the eyebrow (compliance with the proportions, symmetry) – 10 points.
  • Modeling of the eyebrow – 10 points
  • Naturalness – 10 points
  • Thickness of the hair strokes – 10 points
  • Accuracy of hair strokes – 10 points
  • Highest point – 10 points
  • Depth of pigmentation ( pressure stability) – 10 points
  • Cleanliness of work – 5 points

Total: 75 points